Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents

Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents. We are to develop approximately 20 hours of continuing education content, aimed at existing real estate agents in New Zealand.

Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents
Real Estate Agents

These content hours are required on an annual basis of all licensees. Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents
We would assist by providing the foundational materials (for the topics required). In addition to the content, our writer will need to assist in constructing basic assessment materials (T/F and Multiple-choice) items.

Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents Guidelines

We are to develop approximately 20 hours of continuing education content, aimed at existing real estate agents in New Zealand.
These content hours are required on an annual basis of all licensees. Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents
We would assist by providing the foundational materials (for the topics required). In addition to the content, our writer will need to assist in constructing basic assessment materials (T/F and Multiple-choice) items.
Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents. We are to develop approximately 20 hours of continuing education content, aimed at existing real estate agents in New Zealand.
These content hours are required on an annual basis of all licensees. Continuing Education Content for Real Estate Agents
We would assist by providing the foundational materials (for the topics required). In addition to the content, our writer will need to assist in constructing basic assessment materials (T/F and Multiple-choice) items.

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