Control and Overcoming Ego as Excessive Concern In just one paragraph answer this Recall the definition of ego as an excessive concern, which involves excessive concern about self-image, recognition, status, winning, self-interest, goals, outcomes, control, security, etc.

(a) When do you know that you have excessive concern for the sorts of items just listed? Give just one example to clarify. (b) Do you think that the following two desires involve excessive egoic concern that it would be better to overcome: (1) a desire for deep libertarian control over one’s life; (2) a desire to have an essence, or a core you, from birth to death? Explain why it would or would not be better to overcome these desires. (Improve your chances of a perfect score for (iii) by saying something insightful about excessive egoic concern in relation to spirituality and/or the animal stories presented in class.)