Cost Effective Screening for Cervical Cancer Every Year

Cost Effective Screening for Cervical Cancer Every Year The original Article is attached below
The medical evidence is clear: Cervical cancer screening saves lives.

Cost Effective Screening for Cervical Cancer Every Year
Cost Effective Screening for Cervical Cancer Every Year

Much of the focus of cost-effectiveness research addresses issues concerning the appropriate screening interval. D.M. Eddy (Screening for cervical cancer, Annals of Internal Medicine 113, 214-226, 1990) studied the issue and estimated that annual screening for a hypothetical cohort of 1,000 22-year-old women screened until age 75 would cost $1,093,000 and would save 27.6 life years. If screened every three years instead, the cost would be $467,000 and 26.8 life years would be saved.
Please compare the three (3) year screening results to that of the one (1) year screening results and write a paper supporting which one you think is more
In addition to the reference above please review other recent (within the last five years) literature on the benefits and cost of screening for cervical
cancer and present a 1-2 page response in your own words citing all references and sources used to prepare your response.
Please post your formally written work in the drop box and subsequently go to the discussion board to have a discussion with your classmates on the matter by
responding to at least 2 feedbacks from your peers.
Which is more Cost Effective Screening for Cervical Cancer Every Year or Every Three (3) Years?
The question that needs to be commented on is whether it is more cost effective to have a screening for cervical cancer every year or is it more cost
effective to have a cervical cancer screening every three (3) years. In other words, would it be more cost effective, more beneficial, more important, and
more advantageous for women, for families, for society for women to have a cervical cancer screening every year, or have cervical cancer screening every
three (3) years? Please consider the advantages and disadvantages of screening every year then compare the advantages and disadvantages of screening every
three (3) year. After you have compared the advantages and disadvantages of each type of screening please tell me which one you think is more cost effective,
better, more important, more beneficial for the females, for their families and for society.
Do not comment on the overall effectiveness of having a cervical cancer screening by itself. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE QUESTION IS ABOUT. It is already known that
screening for cervical cancer is beneficial and offer many good things to a woman, her family, her friends, and society. THE QUESTION IS WHICH IS BETTER,

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