Creating a Custom Mobile App for Successful Brand

Creating a Custom Mobile App for Successful Brand You want your brand to be successful on mobile. So you decide to create a mobile app for your big idea. The sky is the limit, and budget is no exception. You can make whatever mobile app you can dream up. Just make it relevant and make sure it is going to be awesome!

Creating a Custom Mobile App for Successful Brand
Creating a Custom Mobile App for Successful Brand

For this week’s assignment answer the following questions related to your mobile app:

What would your mobile app look like?

How would it make people feel?

What would it do?

What are your goals for the app?

Why would someone want to download it?

How would you drive traffic to the app?

How would you measure success?


Must be at least 500 words

Must be client ready, nicely formatted and formal in language.

It must be overtly clear you’ve used the information in the resources, reading and first day of class to form your analysis. If we don’t get the sense you understand the initial concepts we’ve taught your grade will be negatively affected.

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