Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change

Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change Order Instructions: I need an essay in the following subject: This assignment puts you in the role of a change manager.

Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change
Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change

You will take on the role of internal change agent for a hypothetical organization that is planning a significant restructuring, and you will analyze options for using HRM concepts and practices to manage the change. Part 1 of this assignment asks you to analyze the cultural, ethical and CSR implications of the planned organizational change. For your Assignment, choose from one of the following scenarios:

•A manufacturing company has recently acquired two new subsidiaries that manufacture new product lines, each in a different country.

•A global chain of coffee shops is closing fifteen of its locations in six different countries but is expanding into two new countries with eight new locations.

•A large, multinational banking and finance company has decided to outsource its technical support and helpdesk functions, eliminating the internal departments that handle these functions. At the same time, the company is hiring an outside vendor to develop an online self-service portal that staff can access to answer the most basic technical support questions.

•Instead of choosing one of these scenarios, you may create your own; obtain approval on your scenario from your Instructor before proceeding with the assignment.

To complete this Individual Assignment:

Complete an 1100-word analysis of the cultural, ethical and CSR issues present in your scenario. Add detail to your scenario as you choose to clarify the situation and help highlight possible cultural, ethical and CSR issues faced by a company in such a situation. Use the following general outline:

1.Scenario: Describe your chosen scenario, adding detail about the company, its location(s), history, strategic goals, staff characteristics and other features that might be relevant to the scenario. Be creative!

2.Cultural issues: What issues related to culture (including national culture, organizational culture, etc.) might the company in your scenario face?

3.Ethical issues: What ethical issues related to staff and stakeholders might the company in your scenario face?

4.CSR issues: What issues related to CSR might the company in your scenario face?

5.HR implications: What are some of the implications of these issues for staff and the HR function in the organization?

The following conditions must meet in the paper

1) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real companies.

3) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

4) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

5) I need examples from peer reviewed
articles or researches.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change Sample Answer

HRM.W9.ASS: Analysis of cultural, ethical and CSR implications of the planned organizational change


Change in any organization is inevitable and adopting appropriate strategies is important to ensure successful change management.  Appropriate HRM concepts and practices come in handy in the process of managing change. Various aspects require consideration when contemplating or planning significant restructurings such as culture, ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Therefore, the paper uses Toyota Company to provide an analysis of various factors such as culture, ethics and CSR and their implications on planned change of acquiring new subsidiaries that will manufacture new products lines in two different countries.


Toyota is a multinational company that manufactures automobiles. The company has recently acquired two more subsidiaries that manufacture new product lines in two countries as an initiative to expand and to accrue huge profits. The company headquarter is in Tokyo at Toyota City but has regional offices in UK, US, and other countries. The employees of the company are approximately 320,000. Kiichiro Toyota founded the company in 1937 to create automobiles (Toyota. Com, 2015). Since then, it has grown steadily to earn its status.  The company is headed by a president who oversees its operations. The company’s vision and strategic goals are to create outstanding products that will promote sustainable growth. The company is committed to honoring the laws, cultures, and customs of all the nations in which it operates. It aims to remain the leading automobile in the future and take the largest market share of the automobiles in the countries of its operations.

Cultural issues

Culture is the beliefs or ideologies held by individuals or certain groups of individuals. These behaviors or beliefs are not biological but learned from environment and passed to generations.  It is therefore important for any organization that restructures or implements change to consider the cultural aspects that will affect their operations (Church 2014). Every country has its own national culture and therefore, Toyota must beware of this to ensure that its culture does not clash with the host country.  Examples of national culture the company might face are the language, national values, company registration process, tax and other legal regulations in the country among many others (Parker 2000).  For instance, the national language that the host country speaks may be different from that of the company that wants to set a subsidiary (Black, 2003). This, therefore, may lead to challenges in communication and would require the company to recruit officers that are proficient in the language spoken by the host country. National values as well may differ between the two countries something that may cause misunderstanding between the two countries. The process of registration of a company may also differ in terms of the time and the requirements for eligibility. This may also cause challenges that may require the two parties to enter into negotiations to agree on the terms.  Organizations as well have their own culture or rather their way of functioning.  Organizational cultures normally vary from one company to another.  It, therefore, becomes prudent for the company to understand its culture to ensure that it delivers its services and products better. Organizational culture is based on various factors such as the company’s history, organizational structure, ownership, critical business incidence, technology and environments, dressing codes, among many others. The organizational culture should reflect the needs of the customers and stakeholders. In this case, it is therefore apparent that the company will face a number of organization cultural issues such as changes in relating with people, dressing code changes, time management challenges and leadership problems because of the structure of the organization among many others. The company may as well require training of its staffs in the country to equip them with relevant skills to execute their tasks as the organization wants.

Ethical issues

Business ethics is an important part of any business as it enables adherence to good behaviors. Any business whether small or large must adhere to ethics when dealing with its customers, staffs, competitors and other stakeholders. Adhering to ethical standards allows a business to grow as it embraces healthy competition (Papa et al. 2008). Toyota is as well likely to experience ethical issues related to staff and stakeholders as it expands its subsidiaries in these two countries. One of the ethical issues is the poor quality of products. The company may deliver products that are of low quality to sell them at low prices to win over the competitors hence, unethical practice.  Another ethical issue is a denial of staffs to form unions to fight for their rights. The company may not permit unions hence denying the staffs their rights. The other ethical issue is poor working condition coupled with low salaries and long working hours (Vanhala & Ahteela 2011).  The company may focus on profitability without thinking about the welfare of the workers. This is unethical as it infringes on the rights of the staffs.  Other ethical issues likely to surface in the company are favoritism in providing employment opportunities to staffs and involvement in corruption to win over contracts and to get favors from various institutions.


CSR Issues

The corporate social responsibility concept has gained more approval in many organizations. Organizations nowadays voluntarily take part in initiatives to ensure that the society they operate in benefits from their activities (Owazuaka & Obinna 2014). The company as well has become committed to ensuring a safer and cleaner environment.  Companies need to be sensitive to the needs of their stakeholders even as they pursue their operations (Labbai 2007).  The company will therefore be expected to work closely with the community. It will have to support the local communities by giving them opportunities to work in the company in various departments. The company must take part in the environmental conservation initiatives (Angus-Leppan, Metcalf & Benn 2010). It will be obliged to put in place measures that will reduce negative impacts to the environment as it carries on with its operations. Furthermore, it needs to manufacture safe and quality products for the consumers. The products will require testing and verification by the consumer watch bodies in the countries to ensure that they meet the standards. The company as well will be expected to get involved in charitable contributions, among other initiatives.

HR Implication

Human resource has the responsibility to ensure that the organization has the right people and systems to make the process function smoothly. In change initiatives, human resource management plays a critical role in many ways. It ensures that appropriate strategies are adopted such as recruitment of staffs to ensure that the process succeeds (Bloom, Genakos, Sadun & Van Reenen 2012).  Ethical, cultural and corporate social responsibilities issues are important aspects to consider when restructuring an organization. In this case, these issues have implications for the staffs and the HR functions as they contribute to the success and achievement of the organization objectives and goals. One of the implications is that, HR must come up with the best plans to ensure efficient and smooth transition. Recruitment of staffs is also very important. The process should be fair and free and should consider cultural aspects. The staffs that have the right qualifications should be retained. Diversity must manifest in the recruitment process to avoid future resentments and complaints. The vision of the company as well must be maintained through adoption of best practices throughout the process of change. Staffs should get better salaries that resonate with their skills and their levels of input. The working condition must be good and the products must be of high quality. The company as well stands to gain approval and to build positive image if it participates in CSR.

Cultural Ethical and CSR Implications on Change Reference list

Angus-Leppan T, Metcalf, L, & Benn, S 2010, ‘Leadership styles and CSR practice: an    examination of sense making, institutional drivers and CSR leadership’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 93 no. 2, pp. 189-213.

Black, R 2003, Organizational Culture: Creating the Influence Needed for Strategic Success,         London UK

Bloom, N, Genakos, C, Sadun, R, & Van Reenen, J 2012, ‘Management Practices Across Firms   and Countries’, Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 26 no. 1, pp. 12-33.

Church, N 2014, ‘Impact of culture on retail industry compliance’,  Journal of Business & Retail   Management Research, Vol. 9 no. 1, pp. 89-97.

Labbai, M 2007, ‘Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing’, Paper presented at the   International Marketing Conference on Marketing & Society, 8-10 April, 2007, IIMK

Owazuaka, W & Obinna, I 2014, ‘Corporate social responsibility: the marketing implications’,      International Journal of Academic Research, Vol. 6 no. 4, pp. 221-226.

Parker, M 2000, Organizational Culture and Identity, London: Sage.

Papa, M., et al. 2008, Organizational Communication Perspectives and Trends (4th Ed.). Sage      Publications.

Toyota. Com 2015. About us. Retrieved from:

Vanhala, M, & Ahteela, R 2011, ‘The effect of HRM practices on impersonal organizational         trust’, Management Research Review, Vol. 34 No. 8,,pp. 869-888

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