Cultural History of Spain On Golden Balls Writer can pick from any of the 5 options except number 1. On Golden Balls.

Whichever the writer thinks they will do the best on is the one they should select.
Cultural History of Spain On Golden Balls
The Cultural History of Spain
This document briefly describes the topics of your final take home essay and oral presentation. Remember that the final exam is taking home. You need to write an essay on any of the five listed topics. This final written essay CANNOT be on the same topic on as the one of your group presentation. You should read these paragraphs as guidelines that can help you to plan your argument. Your answer/oral presentation has to be structured in an essay form; following the formal requirements we have been working throughout this semester. It is very important that at the beginning of your answer you clearly state what you want to argue. You must use at least three bibliographical sources (essay and oral presentation).
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