Current news Negotiation Ripe Situation

Current news Negotiation Ripe Situation Look to your current news beyond your own household. Pick a negotiation-ripe situation.

Current news Negotiation Ripe Situation
Current news Negotiation Ripe Situation

As par for this course, remember to target meaty content, with careful attention paid to grammar and spelling.
Paragraph 1: Describe the situation, being sure to use APA references, as needed.
Paragraph 2: Show off what you have learned in this class. Analyze the situation using concepts and proper technical terms from this course.
Paragraph 3: Pick a side and describe how you would negotiation for that side. After describing the negotiation, list your actual arguments.

Classbook: Lewicki, R., Barry, B., Saunders, D. (2016). Essentials of Negotiation (6th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Can use more than one reference if you wish

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