Cyber bullying Research Writing Assignment The writing and researching involved in this essay will give you a better sense of what research is and how and why it is done.

The assignment will orient you to the FNC libraries and their various resources, and help you gain a better understanding of different types of writing and publications.
Paper #1: Students can also choose a topic from the list of Research Topics provided by the instructor.
Audience: Students new to your major who have a curiosity or research interest in this particular topic but no prior specialized knowledge of the topic; your English 3311 teacher
Length: at least 2 4 pages, not counting references page
There are two basic tasks to fulfill in this paper:
– to describe this topic or development as clearly and concisely as possible for the specified audience; in other words, to educate your audience about this topic as thoroughly as possible given the space constraints.
– to make a compelling, specific, and explicit case explaining obvious and not-so-obvious reasons this development is important to the world outside your major.
It may help you to think in terms of a little role-playing to imagine how this assignment might match real-world expectations: You are doing research or making something closely related to this topic. Your company, department, or division needs funds to begin
Cyber Bullying Research Writing Assignment Part I
(The paper must be 2 to 3 pages, not including the Works Cited page). It MUST also be in MLA format. You will need to read the following chapters from your course textbook to prepare for your paper:
Chapter 14: Preparing for a Research Project
Chapter 15: Doing Research
Chapter 16: Evaluating Sources and Taking Notes
Chapter 17: Integrating Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism
Chapter 18: Writing a Research Project
It is important that you read these chapters carefully as they will help you with writing your research paper.
You now have about two weeks to prepare for your research project. DO NOT Wait until the last minute to work on your paper. Late submissions will be penalized!!!
Cyber Bullying Research Writing Assignment Part II
Read :
Lecture folder for Week 3
Chapters 48 to 52: MLA Documentation from your course textbook.
The topic is cyberbullying, Must have access to ProQuest, I can’t use any other library for my research
This paper gave me a C. this is her feedback
“”You are providing a great deal of information about cyberbullying…but what is your point?
How are you proving this point?”””
The focus of your paper should be in proving or supporting your thesis….
Must use LIRN database ProQuest preferably access id is 24439