Data Collection and Sampling Method

Data Collection and Sampling Method Data Collection: Explain how you gathered your data in detail.

Data Collection and Sampling Method
Data Collection and Sampling Method

What was your sampling method? Where did you obtain your data? What additional resources did you explore for information on your chosen topic? Did you ask an expert in the field? Did you reference a book or encyclopedia? Did you use the internet? How did you avoid bias? Document these sources properly.
Data Organization: Organize your data in attractive graphs/charts. Select types of graphs/charts that make your process and conclusions clear. Label your graphs appropriately. Do NOT simply use a graph provided on a website. Make your own graph.
Data Analysis: Provide the actual data in your report. Show your calculations for descriptive statistics. Perform hypothesis tests or regression analysis. Assume a level of significance of 0.05. Clearly and concisely explain your methods.
Conclusions: Did the data support or contradict your question? Do you have any unanswered questions?
Bibliography: Minimum of three references. One reference may be your text. You must provide a legitimate source for online data.

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