Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Analysis

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Analysis This Critical Thinking assignment is designed to provide you experience analyzing articles for inductive and deductive reasoning.

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Analysis
Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Analysis

The topic is on climate
change and global warming. Write an essay that demonstrates your critical analysis of any article within the last two years from the CSU-Global library about
Global Warming and Climate Change. The essay should demonstrate your ability to analyze the information presented in the article. You will conclude your
essay with an overall critique of the writing, logic, credibility and any other observations of the editorial. Please state your position on climate change,
and whether the document persuaded you in any way.
In addition, the essay must include a discussion of your evaluation of the editorial for the following information:
Identify any rhetorical devices and their use
Determine whether it is rhetoric versus argument
Determine the validity

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Analysis of the Logical Development

Analyze the logical development of the claim (if this is the case)
Identify specific examples using inductive and deductive reasoning
Identify any syllogisms (at least one)
One major pitfall is the assumption that a belief or an opinion may result from critical thinking. In fact, critical reasoning thinking results in an
objective analysis of a topic or claim and is based on fact or truth. This module on deductive and inductive reasoning and logic is designed to facilitate
your understanding of these pitfalls. Apply the concepts learned through the textbook readings and learning notes.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to CSU-Global guidelines for APA Style.

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