Developing a Parks Maintenance Program

Developing a Parks Maintenance Program.

Students will develop and write their own Parks maintenance program.

Developing a Parks Maintenance Program
Developing a Parks Maintenance Program

A parks maintenance plan is a document that includes a description of tasks, standards/guidelines to perform those tasks, and an annual schedule of when and how often these tasks should be performed.

A Parks Maintenance Plan mainly ensures consistency in operations but can also increase efficiency organization, ease of scheduling and opportunities for successful leadership.

Developing a Parks Maintenance Program

Term Assignment: Developing a Parks Maintenance Program

Working in pairs or independently, students will develop and write their own Parks maintenance program. A parks maintenance plan is a document that includes a description of tasks, standards/guidelines to perform those tasks, and an annual schedule of when and how often these tasks should be performed.

A Parks Maintenance Plan mainly ensures consistency in operations but can also increase efficiency organization, ease of scheduling and opportunities for successful leadership.

A significant amount of independent research may be required to complete this project, along with class resources and instructor feedback and assistance.



  1. Introduction, goals of Parks operations
  2. Open Spaces Descriptions, Purposes, Classifications
  3. Maintenance Standards and Guidelines
  4. Horticulture, Weeds and Turf
  5. Trees and Shrubs
  6. Playgrounds and park furnishings
  7. Sports Fields
  8. Storm Ponds
  9. Integrated Pest Management
  10. Water Management and Irrigation


  1. Sample annual labour budget
  2. Sample seasonal maintenance labour/activity chart

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