US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ

US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ

US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ
US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ

Your research must include at least 5 sources including online sources, books, articles, and interviews.

US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ


US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ

(Not all these questions will apply to all sites. Use the points that do fit your site.)

  1. What was the original sense of place? Has it changed over time?
  2. How does the architecture, landscape or land use influence this sense of place?
  3. How does your site fit into the surrounding area or neighborhood? Did the site influence the development of the surrounding area or does it fit into that area? Has the neighborhood or surrounding area changed since your site was built?
US History Site Report Ringwood Manor NJ

Do any of these factors influence the sense of place?

  1. What is the wider significance of the site (if any)?
  2. Have the events of 9/11 changed the sense of place?
  3. Is there a reason that the location of your site was chosen? Has the location of your site changed over time?
  4. Why do people visit or use this site? Do visitors actively participate in the site in any way? How do they seem to react to the site?
  5. Does this site help build community? If so, how? (What role does this historic site or landmark play in the civic life of the community. If any?)
  6. What is it about this place that gives it historical significance? What does it tell us about the culture, hopes, aspirations, and conflicts of the American people?
  7. If there are displays of objects, how do they reflect the purpose of the site? Which displays seem most important?

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