Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion I will post a picture containing the instructions

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

This would be an expository paper
You will need to give a reason for rejecting/accepting an argument
You are encouraged to use "I" in the paper.
You will need to give:
-Clear Statement of problem
-A clear statement of a thesis
-A clear statement for the steps that you will take to argue for the thesis
You have to use 4 sources for the paper:
-Return To Reason: The Irrationality of Evidentialism by Kelly James Clark
-Rene Descartes: Meditation on first philosophy 3rd edition
-Plato: Five dialogues (Phaedo only)
-David Hume: Dialogue concerning the natural religion 2nd edition.

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