Die Cut Windows and Communication Arts

Die Cut Windows and Communication Arts Die cut windows offer a view of the contents of a package. Many food products in particular take advantage of this opportunity to convince consumers of the quality of the product.

Die Cut Windows and Communication Arts
Die Cut Windows and Communication Arts

This requires that the aesthetic properties of the product (color, texture, structure) become a part of the package aesthetics.
Find two packages that you think successfully integrate a view of the product within the package. If you don’t have examples in your household, you can
accomplish this in one of the following ways:
• Go to the store, purchase those products, and photograph them.
• Look at items in the store, then search Google using the Images link at the upper left corner to find images of the packages.
• Search the design annuals (e.g., Print, Communication Arts) or contemporary magazines for images you can scan and submit.
• Visit Communication Arts, search “packaging,” and download images to submit.
Write a one-paragraph analysis in Microsoft Word explaining how these packages benefit from displaying the contents. Import the two images into the Word
You will be graded on the thoroughness of your observation and the specificity of your analysis. The purpose of this assignment is to broaden exposure to a
variety of packaging styles and to refine the ability to analyze and discuss design.

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