Do Distractions Interfere With Performance Title Page/Introduction
In general, the purpose of your introduction is to explain what other researchers in this area have done and to describe the main point of your study.
Think of yourself as the ‘tour guide’ for your reader – your job is to walk them down the path of your research topic and to point out relevant information so that at the end of the tour they understand why you are asking the question that you are and why it is important.
A research report begins with a Title Page. Give your report a running head (an abbreviated version of your title) and page number. For example, if your title is “The relationship between introverted personality type and recreational reading in young adults.” the running head could be: Running head: INTROVERSION AND RECREATIONAL READING
Do Distractions Interfere With Performance Research Project
Your title should consist of three lines centered in the center of the page. The first line should be the title of your research project. The second line should be a list of authors. For your group project, list the authors in alphabetical order by last name. The third line should list your department and institution:
Department of Psychology, University of Southern
Following the title page is the Introduction. The introduction should consist of three parts: 1) a broad leading that presents the specific problem and describes a research strategy 2) review of the background literature and explanation of the importance of the current topic 3) the hypotheses that your study will evaluate.
In the first part of your report, provide a general overview of your research topic. This is meant to establish why the research is important, why findings could be influential, and a general research strategy.
Do Distractions Interfere With Performance Description
In the second part, describe 5-7 previous studies or experiments whose findings or methodology are relevant to your study. If it is a similar study to yours, then describe their methodology, results, and conclusions. If you are adapting their methods, then describe their experimental procedures along with any limitations. If you will be using specific language (e.g., jargon) in later sections, be sure to define them in the introduction.
Ask yourself the following questions to help with writing the introduction:
- Why is the problem important?
- How does the study relate to previous work? How does it build on/differ from previous work?
- Do your hypotheses test a larger theory?
- How does your design test your hypotheses?
- What are the implications of your research?
Finally, in the third part of the introduction, describe your hypotheses. Your hypotheses are what will guide the design of your experiment. After your data collection is complete, you will address your hypotheses in the results and discussion sections of your report. In the introduction, you describe what you expect to happen. Then you conduct the experiment and see whether your hypotheses were supported.
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