Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management

Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management Complete a short answer quiz. The quizzes serve two purposes.

Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management
Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management

First, they require you to revisit the important information in each lesson so that you capture
that information. Second, your completed answers for the quizzes serve as a useful study guide for the midterm and final exams.
Write responses to the following questions with reference to your textbook: (Domestic Terrorism and Incident Management)
1. What is The Turner Diaries? What impact did it have on racist and anti-government groups in the U.S.?
2. What are the main tenets of Christian identity?
3. What are the factors responsible for the decline of patriot and radical hate movements in the U.S.? In spite of this decline, why is right-wing terrorism
considered a grave threat by some watchdog groups?
4. Discuss and explain the counterterrorism tactics adopted by the Southern Poverty Law Center to fight right-wing organizations. How successful have they
been? Explain.
5. What was the new Black Panther movement? Explain whether this movement represented terrorism from below or above.
Keep the following points in mind:
Impact of The Turner Diaries on racist and anti-government groups is correctly explained.
Main tenets of Christian identity are comprehensively explained.
Factors responsible for the decline of patriot and radical hate movements are identified and the potential threat from these movements is assessed.
Assessment of Southern Poverty Law Center?s counterterrorism tactics is objective and comprehensive.
Assessment of the Black Panther movement as terrorism is objective and supported by reasons and information from reliable sources.
All quizzes must be a minimum length of at least 2-pages, with a maximum length of 6 pages, excluding the title and references pages.

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