Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil This project centers on assessing the economic performance of your assigned country which is BRAZIL over the last 10 years.

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil
Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil

To assess your country’s (BRAZIL) performance, you must present and interpret data on appropriate macroeconomic measures and comment on their evolution within the last decade.

This template presents a guide to the expected structure and format of your research project. You are free to customize this template as you like (e.g. use different colors, fonts, add pictures, etc.). However, you are requested to include a table of contents after the cover page and before the body of your report.

Your report should be typed (Double-spaced, Font 12) and between 5-7 pages long (not including data, graphs or references). You must include each of the following in your report:

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil Introduction

In this section, introduce the purpose of your research project, the main research question of interest and the country (BRAZIL) you will be examining.

Country Background

In this section, set the context of your report by giving an overview of your countryís: (i) main characteristics (e.g. level of development, geography, population size, natural resources, main trading partners, etc.); (ii) major economic and/or social events in the last decade; (iii) current economic and/or social challenges.

Economic Performance

In this section, assess the extent to which your assigned country has been achieving the 3 main macroeconomic goals of: (i) Promoting economic growth; (ii) Limiting Unemployment; (iii) Keeping Prices Low and Stable during the last decade. You must support your assessment by presenting and interpreting data on at least 2 appropriate macroeconomic measures for each goal and at least one graph or data table on each measure. You must produce your own graphs and tables of the collected data.

In your assessment of each measure, you may: (i) provide a definition of each measure; (ii) compare the level of each measure at the beginning and the end of the period of interest; (iii) find the average annual percentage growth during the period of interest; (iv) track the evolution of each measure over time and identify an overall trend (i.e. increasing vs. decreasing); (iv) interpret the meaning of each measure (i.e. What does it mean if a certain measure is decreasing/increasing over time?); (v) try digging a little deeper into the drivers of these trend (i.e. Are there any major economic and/or social events occurring in the country that may explain this increase/decrease?).

Economic Growth

Assess the evolution of different measures of economic growth over the last 10 years (i.e. Real GDP, Nominal GDP, GDP per capita over time and in terms of annual percentage growth).

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil and Inflation

Assess the evolution of different measures of the price level over the last 10 years (i.e. GDP deflator, CPI, inflation rate).


Assess different measures of the labor force over the last 10 years (i.e. labor force participation rate, the unemployment rate for different groups: males, females, and youths).

Other Indicators

Assess other measures of economic progress over the last 10 years (i.e. Human Development Index (HDI), Happiness, Poverty Levels, Equality, Environment, Health, Education, etc.).

Data & Graphs: You must support your assessment by presenting and interpreting data on at least 2 appropriate macroeconomic measures for each goal and at least one graph or data table on each measure. You must produce your own graphs and tables of the collected data.

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil Conclusions

In this section, conclude your report by restating the main research question of your study, summarizing the main findings and giving your overall judgment on your assigned country’s economic performance.

Economic Performance Evolution of Brazil References

At the end of your report, remember to cite all sources used according to this format:

References: You must include references for all sources used (including in-text citation and a reference list at the end of the report). In total, you should include a minimum of five sources. Please see the below link for referencing conventions:

Mankiw, N. (2009) Principles of Economics (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western

Potential Data Sources:

World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI):

International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Financial Statistics (IFS) Database:

International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Economic Outlook (WEO) Database:

International Labor Organization (ILO), Statistics & Databases:–en/index.htm

United Nations (UN) Data:

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), World Factbook:

Academic journals, newspaper articles, etc.

Any other reputable data sources (P.S. Wikipedia does not count, unless the original citation is used)

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