Outdoor Learning to Support Children’s Development What Strategies used in the outdoor learning environment to support children’s development?
Literature review based on previous and current research studies demonstrating the importance of the outdoor learning environment within the early years. Themes I have looked at through my research is based on the early years curriculum, home school partnerships and the adults role in promoting outdoor learning.
Outdoor Learning to Support Children’s Development Sources
Sources to use: EYFS, Outdoor Manifesto, Department for Education Website, Stephenson, A (2017) Opening up the outdoors, Tovey, H (2017) Playing Outdoors, Janet Rose on the Role of the adult in Early Years Settings (2017), Sarah Knightsbrook on Forest Schools, Watts A (2017) Outdoor learning through seasons. Literature review based on previous and current research studies demonstrating the importance of the outdoor learning environment within the early years. Themes I have looked at through my research is based on the early years curriculum, home school partnerships and the adults role in promoting outdoor learning. Sources to use: EYFS, Outdoor Manifesto, Department for Education Website, Stephenson, A (2017) Opening up the outdoors, Tovey, H (2017) Playing Outdoors, Janet Rose on the Role of the adult in Early Years Settings (2017), Sarah Knightsbrook on Forest Schools, Watts A (2017) Outdoor learning through seasons.