Environmental Issue and Pollution Essay Paper Pick an environmental issue that is both interesting to you and you can find information on easily.

o Suggested topics: you do NOT have to do one of these you may choose your own, these are only suggestions.
Environmental Issue and Pollution Essay Paper
? Acid rain, nuclear energy, greenhouse effect, air pollution (automobile or industrial), tropical deforestation, hazardous waste disposal, indoor air pollution, water pollution (agriculture, industrial or domestic), alternative energy (wind, hydro or solar),
Nonrenewable energy, sustainable agriculture, insecticide use, lead pollution, surface mining, herbicide use, heavy metal pollution, soil erosion, world hunger
Environmental Issue and Pollution Essay Paper
Your paper should include the following:
Statement of the issue or problem
o Why is this topic a problem? What aspects of the topic make it an environmental problem?
Historical basis of the problem
o When did the problem start? Where? What happened to make the topic an environmental problem?
Correction of the problem
o What is being done? Is it enough? What more needs to be done? What are your solutions to the problem? What is being done by individuals, groups and societies? What more needs to be done by individuals, groups and societies? Compare and contrast idealistic versus realistic solutions to the problem.
Advantages to correction of the problem
o Why correct the problem? Why do what you say to do in your solutions? What are the immediate consequences and long-term consequences if no correction is made? What are the benefits to the individual and societies if corrected?
Disadvantages to correction of the problem
o Why not leave the problem a problem? What are the consequences to other parts of the environment if the correction is made? (By correction, are we trading one problem for another?) What possible negative effects does correcting the problem have? (There is no such thing as a free lunch)
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