Ethics in Managerial Accounting Discussion

Ethics in Managerial Accounting Discussion Make a note that I will score mostly based completion, which means that you MUST discuss the topics fully.

Ethics in Managerial Accounting Discussion
Ethics in Managerial Accounting Discussion

You can include more information than what is
listed, but not less.
Note 2: It is more important to complete the sections than to worry about number of pages. If the paper is more or less than 6 pages, but complete in terms
of content, your score will not be penalized for having more or less pages than the maximum.
Job-Order Costing
cost terms
cost flows through accounts; the schedule of goods manufactured and how it links to the income statement
Allocation of MOH
Dealing with over or under allocation of MOH
Capital Decision-Making
Capital Budgeting Process
Payback Period
Rate of Return
Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
Additionally, the work you turn in should be exclusively yours. Guidance may be requested from outside sources, but the write-up and the analysis should be
no one else’s. Follow the usual annotation and bibliography guidelines.

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