Evaluate How Social or Cultural Custom Leads to Imbalances of Power For Essay 2, you will choose two of the texts listed below and you will evaluate how social or cultural custom leads to imbalances of power.

All of the texts in question depict cultures that are built on the unequal distribution of power, whether between colonizers and colonized, whites and non-whites, the elderly and the young, the rich and the poor, men and women, or even between one woman and another or one man and another. You will choose ONE type of power imbalance (for example, an imbalance between colonizers and the colonized) that appears in TWO texts. Then you will interpret the consequences of this type of power imbalance. The central question your essay should answer is this: How do these two texts represent a culturally determined power imbalance and how does it impact the characters involved?
Evaluate How Social or Cultural Custom Leads to Imbalances of Power
While you are required to pick ONE type of power imbalance in two texts, it is possible that these imbalances impact characters in slightly different ways from one text to the next. In other words, the power imbalance in question need not operate in exactly the same way in both texts.
Unlike your previous essays, in this essay, your thesis will be supported by evidence from two texts. Like essay 1, this assignment requires that you quote specific words, phrases, passages, and/or lines that are relevant to your specific argument, as well as close read the language in those quotations. Unlike essay 1, this essay also requires that you engage with both textsí social, cultural, and/or historical contexts. No outside research is required for this essay.
Evaluate How Social or Cultural Custom Leads to Imbalances of Power
Choose 2 texts from the following choices:
ï Anowa
ï Othello
ï Noli Me Tangere
ï Chronicle of a Death Foretold
ï Turkish Embassy Letters
ï ìPetrified Manî
To best understand and learn how to place two texts in conversation in an essay, fully watch and carefully review Dr. Jordanís writing workshop lecture on March 19.
Paragraph 1 (introductory paragraph)
ï Your introductory paragraph must introduce the texts, characters, and key ideas your paper will discuss. It must lead up to a clear thesis statement (offering an argument, with a distinct point of view, not just a plot summary). It must end with a strong transition to your next paragraph.
Paragraphs 2, 3, etc. (body paragraphsóas many as needed)
Evaluate How Social or Cultural Custom Leads to Imbalances of Power
ï Each body paragraph must begin with a clear topic sentence forecasting the content and argument of the paragraph. Each paragraph must make one argument that supports your thesis (broader argument). In making that one argument, you must provide textual evidence that supports your argument, and you must offer a compelling close-reading of that evidence that clearly relates to the overall argument presented in your thesis statement.
Final Paragraph (conclusion)
ï Your concluding paragraph must link the various parts of your argument into one cohesive whole. Reassert and restate your argument in new words, and indicate the broader conclusions you can draw from that argument.
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