Evaluate Three Environment Articles And Describe

Evaluate Three Environment Articles And Describe them.

Evaluate Three Environment Articles And Describe
Evaluate Three Environment Articles And Describe
  1. Select three magazine or internet articles on environmental topics from 3 different sources.
  2. Apply the Source Reliability Matrix to the articles.
  3. Write an essay describing your assessment of each of the three articles you evaluated.

–For each of the three articles, describe the aspects or characteristics of the article that influenced your thinking about its reliability.

–Rank the three articles from most to least reliable in your opinion.

–Discuss how the results from the source reliability matrix matched (or failed to match) your qualitative assessment and how the matrix influenced (or failed to influence) your opinion.

–Be sure to include a “Works Cited” page in an appropriate format, and appropriately formatted citation to the articles within your essay.

  • The first page of, or a link to, each of the 3 articles you evaluated
  • The completed source reliability matrix for each of the 3 articles.

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