Evidence based practices on nursing

Evidence based practices on nursing
Evidence based practices on nursing

Evidence based practices on nursing with their definition and under each word the definition then under that the reference.
for example :

1 – Primary Nursing
Primary Nursing is a system in which one nurse is responsible for overseeing the total care of a number of clients. It is a method of providing comprehensive, individualised and consistent care (Gonda & Hales 2015, pg 122).
Gonda, J & Hales M 2014, ‘Health care Delivery Systems’, Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Vol 1, Pearson Australia, French Forest, NSW.

2- Primary Research
Primary research is the initial research which has been conducted between any of the following; health professionals, patients and or medical students (Daly, Speedy, Jackson 2014, p.g 141).
Daly J, Speedy S, Jackson D 2014, Contexts of Nursing, 4th edn, Elsevier, Australia.
* each definition has to be no more than 30 words
* No plurals words

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