Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20

Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 INSTRUCTIONS
I need an (Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6:10-20) I have listed sources below and a abstract. The paper should be at least 10 pages long (NOTE: THE title page, table of contents, and bibliography do not count as part of the 10-page minimum).

Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20
Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20

I am be required to include at least 7 scholarly sources( They are listed already)

Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 References

Proper citation and use of sources is expected. You will be graded on style and content. You will find instructions for a basic exegetical paper in Appendix 2 of Grasping God’s Word. By Duvall and Hays See the Exegetical Paper Grading Rubric for an understanding of how the paper will be evaluated.
The overall purpose of the proposed research is to analyze and explain the essence of the biblical precepts enclosed in Ephesians 6:10-20. To that end, the thesis statement is the following: In the symbolic form, Ephesians 6:10-18 spur believers to utilize all teachings of the Lord and equip themselves with God’s Word which resembles the whole battle armor in order to withstand the forces of cosmic darkness on the Earth and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens as the bitterest enemies of the humanity. Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 Given this, the main objective of research will be to ascertain the true message inserted into Ephesians 6:10-20, as well as the main biblical precepts stemming from the aforesaid passages.
It is possible to discern the following critical points of Ephesians 6:10-18: a) the distinct call to build-up personal strength on the basis of the strength of God’s power; b) the clear emphasis on the necessity to put on the whole armor of God in order to be capable to withstand the trickery of the devil; c) the theological explanation that the biggest enemy of a Christian believer is not another man, but rulers and authorities which originate from both the cosmic powers of the darkness and spiritual evil in the heavenly places; d) the specification and association of various attributes of a Christian life with different components of the whole battle armor; e) the recognition of a prayer as the last but not the least weapon at war against the cosmic evil. Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20
The proposed research will be logically divided into several chapters.

Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 Chapters

Chapter I ?; Introduction’ will offer a brief discussion of research questions, research objectives, and research methods. Among other things, it is expected that the research methodology will be constituted of such research designs as doctrinal study, review, critique, catechetical approach, and exegesis. Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20
Chapter II ; The theological approach to the concept of the Whole Armor of God’ will be conceived as an academic attempt to make insight into the concept of whole armor of God. A special emphasis will be laid upon the role and place of this concept among other Christian concepts and biblical teachings.
Chapter III ?; Comparative analysis of different approaches to Ephesians 6:10-20’ is purposed to cast light on the discrepancies and similarities in different interpretations of Ephesians 6:10-20. As a matter of fact, there is a wide range of approaches to Ephesians 6:10-18. Thus, Reinhard (2014) considers these passages the conglomeration of imperatives in the form of a call to personal piety for the nurturing of an ethical character. On the other hand, the passages may be regarded as an alternative way of depicting the union with Jesus Christ. Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 By contrast, Mcvay (2017) deems the passages metaphoric delineations of the rhetorical success. Early church fathers were the first interpreters of Ephesians 6:10-18, and thus their explanations should also be taken into consideration (Foster 1985). Exegetical Paper over a passage Ephesians 6 10 20 Analysis of all possible interpretations will help to ascertain the most reliable and viable meaning of Ephesians 6:10-18 beyond controversy.
Chapter IV ?; Conclusions’ will provide recapitulations and final implications of the research findings.

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