Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice- apply to kids- OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY setting

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice
Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice


Group work as applied to children

Aim of Assignment:

In this assignment, you are required to:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the evidence for using group work in practice

Writing your paper:

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice Literature Review

Part 1: Group work Theory

  • Identify mthe ain views on why group work is used in Occupational Therapy practice with children and adolescents.
  • What are the theoretical underpinnings of group work- i.e. why is group-work supposed to be a good approach in theory. Add anything you know in relation to children and young people specifically

Literature Review Part 2: Application to practice

  • What is the evidence for the use of group work with children and adolescents in practice

– Is there any research that proves the effectiveness of group-work or are we just assuming that it is a good form of intervention?

– How does it differ across different settings or according to dthe ifferent needs of clients?

– Compare the group research papers and identify differences- e.g. how many weeks did the groups have to run for? What activities were included? What pre-requisites did participants need to take part? What were the main goals and what outcomes were achieved?

  • Consider how these findings inform your practice: take one case study (and their specific condition, e.g. Anxiety Disorder) that you have explored in class this year and consider the research and evidence for the use of a group work approach with this client group.
  • Consider the rationale for use of a group approach instead of an individual approach in therapy

– Advantages and disadvantages.

– What might be a reason to choose group-work over individual work based on the evidence you have found?

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice Group work Assignment Structure Guidelines

Introduction and background:

Outline what your paper will cover – be clear and specific: introduce the theory of group-work and why it is important in therapy practice.

Literature Review Part 1: Group work EVIDENCE

Review research evidence on group-work effectiveness. Critically evaluate your findings from your literature review

Literature Review part 2: Application

Consider how the findings from evidence on the use of group work would inform your practice. Include one case study (and their specific condition, e.g. Anxiety Disorder) as an example.

Group work versus Individual Work Reflect on how this evidence and theory influences Occupational Therapy practice – what might you identify as key guidelines or considerations as a result in deciding to use group work instead of individual approaches in therapy practice.

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and PracticeReflection on learning

Reflect on the contextual real life experience versus your findings from the literature review. If you have no personal experience of group work with children/adolescents to date, reflect on how your review of the literature will inform future experiences.


Summary of discussion. at least 10 references

Group work as applied to children

Ages 0-18

Looking for an integrity to the idea of group work as a child

Make sure it is age appropriate to group, e.g that the groups goal match the age group

Examine- present in dept and investigative implication

How does it apply

-to what context

-how does it support childhood occupations

-developmentally appropriate

1.Define major concepts- group work for kind in OT- what is it meant by group work in an occupational therapy context,  elaborate

  1. what ots hope to achieve when conducting group work
  2. definition of what is meant by group work in relation to kids

4.why is group work with children different e.g adults vs kis? E.g playfulness (def + example in group) e.g fine motor skills group 5yo, tying laces-selfcare skills, presented as a game

Eg maturity- stress management class while running with adolescents (add reference + example+ group) breathing activates introduced. Use evidence for this, this was demonstrated by x+y in journal… if possible

  1. What are the fundamentals of group work- history, evidence of group work, theory-eg psycho-dynamic,skills,task based use 3 approaches and compare, why these are used in a group vs. individual, look at outcomes evidence it

Keep it contextualized within OT

Can provide a case study example that illustrates what Occupational therapist hope to achieve when theytun group work with children

e.g stress management for junior cert students – how does the OT select membership, assign roles, show what process does OT use when constructing a group intervention

Exploring Group Work Theory Research and Practice Conclusion

– summary of what was written in previous sections group work, occupations, group work vs indivual, ot process used to construct a group, why OT chose this.

Why all this is relevant to practice and how you could experience this in future placement to demonstrate steps and benefits of group, childhood/developmental strategies/group work based around intervention, major concepts on group work for children keep in contextualised within Occupational therapy.

Provide a short case study example, illustrate what the OT hope to achieve, how they selected membership, assign roles ect e.g stress management for teens, social skills group for 5 year old, self-regulation class, handwriting group. ?process does the occupational therapist use when constructing group intervention

Critically explore the underpinning theory and approaches which may be

used in group work by occupational therapists.

Demonstrate the use of creativity in applying principles of practice with children and young adults.

Talk about the developmental frame of reference most popular for paediatrics

Assesment criteria-will let you know the intervention is working

Objective of group, how membership was selected, who was involved, why, outcome of group

What you learned about group theory of group work and apply to children, what it means as a child

Show you know the difference between working with an adult and a child

What has to be modified to make group work for kids/adolescents

Your understanding of group dynamics how to apply to children successfully- use an example- back up with evidence

Make point- use experience/an example to back it up- reference it

Why group work is used in the ot process, how it provides value, reflect that kids are part of a bigger ecosystem including parent’s grandparents

Importune of rational, you’ll have specific outcomes, link back to developmental age

Conclusion- summary of what was written in previous sections group work, occupations, group work vs individual ot process used to construct a group, why OT chose this. Why all this is relevant to practice and how you could experience this in future placement

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