Final Project Reflection Using the Hansei Process

Final Project Reflection Using the Hansei Process
Final Project Reflection Using the Hansei                                           Process

Final Project Reflection Using the Hansei Process

The Hansei process occurs constantly and consistently. At Toyota, for example, even if a project is successful, there is still a hansei-kai (reflection meeting) to review what went wrong. According to Jeffrey Liker, author of The Toyota Way, if a manager or engineer claims that there were not any problems with the project, he or she will be reminded that there is always room for improvement. In other words, they have not objectively and critically evaluated the project to find opportunities for improvement, or they did not stretch to meet (or exceed) their expected capacity.

The concept on the use of Hansei is not a required component of the final project, but rather an opportunity for you to step back and reflect on the project in regards to the knowledge you have gained.

Reflect on the final project you submitted this week, using the Hansei process. Identify three things you would do differently if you were involved in a similar situation at Netflix in the future. Explain your rationale for the items you have identified and what your different approach would be. This will help you to create clear plans for ensuring that it does not reoccur.

Explain two suggestions for avoiding this situation in the future.

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