Forced Confessions and Specific Argument Thesis

Forced Confessions and Specific Argument Thesis Description
Before you begin your essay, you should choose which stance you will take on the topic (i.e., are you for the topic, against it, or some combination of both).

Forced Confessions and Specific Argument Thesis
Forced Confessions and Specific Argument Thesis

Then, develop a strong, specific thesis that argues a specific claim about that topic (i.e., don’t simply argue “I am for ______” or “I am against ______”).
• To help build the ethos and logos appeals of your argument, you will be required to use at least three secondary sources in your essay (i.e., sources other than the podcast itself). While you may use online sources in your paper, your three sources must be academic sources (e.g., articles from a peer-reviewed journal, scholarly book-length studies, academic essays, etc.).

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