Global Perspectives on HIV and AIDs in Breastfeeding

Global Perspectives on HIV and AIDs in Breastfeeding What is the global perspectives on HIV /AIDs through breastfeeding, and how can we distinguish between HIV exposed baby and HIV unexposed baby to an HIV infected mother?

Global Perspectives on HIV and AIDs in Breastfeeding
Global Perspectives on HIV and AIDs in Breastfeeding


What is the global perspectives on HIV /AIDs through breastfeeding, and how can we distinguish between HIV exposed baby and HIV unexposed baby to an HIV infected mother?

Answer all the questions below:

1.) Introduction to the Problem.

– Problem? to be addressed.

– Problem subtopic.

2.) Possible Causes and Maintaining Forces

– Cause (one: name it, according to topic/problem).

– Cause (two: name it, according to topic/problem).

– Why the problem persists (one: name it, according to topic/problem).

– Why the problem persists (two: name it, according to topic/problem).

3.) Background and Justification?

– Prior attempts and previously proposed solutions.

– Deficiencies in the solution paradigm.

4.) Newly Proposed Deliverable overview.

– Significance to the student. Target audience.

External dissemination platform. Proposed length and justification.

– Supplemental material (if applicable).

5.) Evaluation

– The goal of new deliverable.

– Success outcome measures.

– Enhancement of global awareness.

– Enhancement of global perspective-taking.


Discuss the issue(s) surrounding this chosen themes/topic and propose a program, initiative, or activity that will address those issues; this is a potential global health problem. Answer all the questions below.

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