Group therapy helping eating disorders

Group therapy helping eating disorders
Group therapy helping eating disorders

Group therapy helping eating disorders

How does group therapy help people with eating disorders.
Ways it encourages them, gives the accountability, and progress.

One of the most empowering aspects of group therapy is that it brings to light the fact that you are not alone in your struggle.There are a great deal of benefits from group therapy, including provision of education, normalizing (group members learn that they are not alone in their disease), support and acceptance (group members learn compassion and empathy for themselves and others), interpersonal skills and friendship, and confrontation of unhealthy behaviors. Groups may be homogeneous, where all members have the same eating disorder, or heterogeneous (members have any type of eating disorder). A heterogeneous group typically includes anorexics and bulimics as they are more similar to each other than to binge eaters.

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