Health Care Op Ed Essay Assignment Paper

Health Care Op Ed
Health Care Op Ed

Health Care Op Ed

Students will take an issue related to health care and craft an op-ed. You will need to take a stand on the issue and defend your rationale and position.

What is an Op-ed?

An op ed or “opposite the editorial page” or “opinion editorial” is a written piece published by news media that expresses the opinion of an author not affiliated with the publication’s editorial board.

Tips for Op-ed writing; adapted from the Op Ed Project,

Getting started: The Basics

  • own your expertise
  • stay current
  • the perfect is the enemy of the good
  • cultivate a flexible mind
  •  use plain language
  • respect your reader

Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing

  • why should we readers trust you?
  •  can you back up what you say?
  • what’s new?
  • so what?
  • what’s the difference between being ìrightî and being effective?
  • how will your ideas and arguments contribute to the conversation, and be helpful to your audience?


  • lede (around a news hook – see below)
  • thesis
  • argument
  • 1st point
  • 2nd point
  • 3rd point
  • to be sure paragraph
  • conclusion (often circling back to your lede)

Ledes (set the scene) and News Hooks: Catching Attention

  •  use the news
  • tell a dramatic anecdote
  • reference popular culture
  • turn conventional wisdom on end
  • use wit and irony to point out a contradiction
  • use an anniversary
  • cite a major new study
  • get personal

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