Heuristics and Biases Sunk Cost or Hindsight Bias

Heuristics and Biases Sunk Cost or Hindsight Bias Answer the following questions in your paper. The longest section should be the research summary in #3.

Heuristics and Biases Sunk Cost or Hindsight Bias
Heuristics and Biases Sunk Cost or Hindsight Bias

1a. Why are Heuristics and Biases good?

1b. Why are Heuristics and Biases bad?

  1. Choose one heuristic or bias and define it. (OPTIONS: SUNK COST OR HINDSIGHT BIAS)
  2. Find 3 recent (2012+) research papers on your topic and describe what was done, paying particular attention to the specific research methods used. These should be papers that describe original experimental research on the heuristic or bias you are interested in; consider some of the experimental methodologies you’ve seen demonstrated in class. Be critical of the research methods (this can help you to come up with your answer to #4). Discuss what they did well and what could be improved in each paper.
  3. Suggest a new experiment to study your chosen heuristic or bias.

This assignment should be 3-5 pages, double spaced. It does not have an APA research paper format, but it must be times new roman, 12 points with 1-inch margins. Number your sections 1, 2 and 3 for each question above. Be sure to include your references and in-text citations using standard APA format (for help with in-text citations and references, see https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html).

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