How to write an Article Summary Questions Read the article and respond to the following questions in the summary as follows:-
1. What is the author saying?
2. Why should we care?
3. How does it fit?

4. Give the quote and page number
5. Was it compelling? Was it intelligible?
6. Propose two discussion questions. What is the author saying?
Why should we care?
How does it fit?
Give the quote and page number
Was it compelling? Was it intelligible?
Propose two discussion questions. What is the author saying?
Why should we care?
How does it fit?
Give the quote and page number
Was it compelling? Was it intelligible?
Propose two discussion questions. What is the author saying?
Why should we care?
How does it fit?
Give the quote and page number
Was it compelling? Was it intelligible?
Propose two discussion questions. What is the author saying?
Why should we care?
How does it fit?
Give the quote and page number
Was it compelling? Was it intelligible?
Propose two discussion questions.