How Weather Affects Airplanes Accidents in Aviation

How Weather Affects Airplanes Accidents in Aviation 3 weather relate accidents in aviation. Here are the three: Singapore airlines flight 006, Munich air disaster (British European Airways Flight 609) and British Airways Flight 38.

How Weather Affects Airplanes Accidents in Aviation
How Weather Affects Airplanes Accidents in Aviation

In introduction I want to see how weather effects flights or how dangerous flying in bad weather. It would be nice if you include some statistic report like on average how many airplanes crashes due to poor weather. In each body of essay I would like you write about each accidents, such as general information about the flight like, what type of aircraft was it, where the flight was heading and what the conditions were at the time, how many passenger have died, the cause of the accident and the summary. My entire grades depends of this essay, I would appreciate if you help me passing the course.

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