How will you Use Psychology in Your Care

How will you Use Psychology in Your Care Details Introduction to Psychology-Midterm Essay Use your critical thinking skills and your writing ability to address a question of primary importance: How will you use psychology in your career?

How will you Use Psychology in Your Care
How will you Use Psychology in Your Care

In order to successfully answer this question, you must be able to analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and be able to apply them to your career goals.

How will you Use Psychology in Your Care Essay Explanation

In your essay, you will need to clearly identify your career and why you have chosen it and then explain how what you have learned in psychology (up to this point in class) will enhance your career. Your five paragraph essay will make use of two resources: 1. The first source is your textbook. You will select two psychological concepts from two different chapters to focus on in your paper. 2. The second source is one article from a refereed (peer-reviewed) journal (preferably an American Psychological Association journal published within the last five years) which addresses one of the psychological concepts or topics relevant to your intended career. You will want to find an article which is research (data-driven) based and which uses the experimental or correlational method. The article must have the traditional sections associated with a research study (abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references).

How will you Use Psychology in Your Care Discussion

In discussing information from your text, you must reference the appropriate chapters, identify and define each relevant concept, and explain why the psychological concepts you focus on are or will be relevant to your career. You will be expected to use specific about how it will benefit your career. For the journal article, you will be integrating the article and its content into your paper to highlight its significance to your chosen field of study rather than merely citing it. You will be using the journal article to discuss its relationship to one of the concepts you have selected as important to your career. Note that you will be discussing the article and the implication of its findings for your career in some detail, not merely mentioning it in passing.  Your five-paragraph essay must be prepared using APA formatting style which includes: 1. A title page with the title in the middle of the page. 2. Page numbering in the upper right corner beginning with 1 on the title page. 3. In-text citations in APA format (that means the citation follows either the quote or paraphrase of the information provided). 4. A reference page at the end (References) in APA format.

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