Human Resource and Management collaboration R

Human Resource and Management collaboration
Human Resource and Management                                      collaboration

Human Resource and Management collaboration

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Dear Admin,

I need an essay in the following subject:

Explore the CIPD and SHRM Web sites:

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (n.d.) CIPD profession map. Available from:

Society for Human Resource Management (n.d.) SHRM HR competency model. Available from:

•Comparing the HR leadership competencies outlined in the CIPD Profession Map and the SHRM Competency Model

•Critically analysing how these perspectives on HR professional competencies relate to the strategic HR leader role

The following conditions must meet in the essay:

1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 1100 words.

2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real companies.

4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

5) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

6) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards



CIPD Profession Map addresses different Human Resource aspects (perspectives) through structured HR leadership competencies in the map. From these different HR perspectives, CIPD Map addresses most HR obligations at all stages in management. That is, it covers all levels and stages in organization leadership like entry stage, mid stage, senior stage, and finally executive stage (CIPD website). Specifically, CIPD proffession Map covers eight behaviors and ten professional sectors in HR leadership in the four leadership stages mentioned above.

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Competency Model on the other hand addresses HR leadership competencies at different leadership levels and stages, just like CIPD Map. Therefore, it addresses the HR leadership at entry stage, mid stage, senior stage, and executive stage from nine competencies perspective (SHRM website). Similar to CIPD Map, SHRM competency model focuses on eight HR behaviors in addressing the leadership competencies. Different from CIPD Map, the technical competency in SHRM Model is explained as implicating the application of the other eight behavioral competencies in the model. Therefore, a more genuine comparison can be achieved on the leadership competencies addressed in both CIPD Map and SHRM Model specifically on Human resource management.

In comparing the two approaches, both address HR leadership in three perspectives. They both address leadership at professional perspectives, behaviors perspective and different HR stages (Ulrich 2013). For instance, CIPD Profession Map addresses professional in leadership from the HR knowledge perspective. Therefore, HR knowledge dictates what a leader knows and does in line of duty, a prospect also supported in the SHRM Model on HR expertise replicating a technical competency in the model. These knowledge perspectives are applicable in diverse HR occupations irrespective of location or region. In addition, HR knowledge applies to all organizations irrespective of their size or shape in the market, a concept which creates bases for all eight behaviors in HR leadership activities.

SHRM Competency Model addresses business acumen as the leadership potential to critically think and make appropriate decisions in time with respect to the business situation at hand. This behavior approach is addressed in the CIPD Profession Map as decisive thinker behavior (CIPD website). It portrays similar characters of HR leadership where specifically, entrepreneurial characters of making potential and critical decision apply in the leadership role.

Critical evaluation is another leadership behavior addressed in both HR approaches. SHRM Competency Model specifies the critical evaluation behavior as the bases for logical and creative decision making in an organization. This follows step by step initiatives observed in critical evaluation of a situation (Lussier & Hendon 2013). Therefore, the effectiveness and worthiness of a decision is determined in critical thinking in evaluation. This behavior is perceived as personality credibility in the CIPD professional map, which filters decisions through critical evaluation. Even though the behaviors are indicated differently, their application in HR leadership behavior asserts to criticality and creativity application in evaluations for decision making.

Both approaches also observe global effectiveness of HR leadership, in addition to cultural effectiveness (Ulrich 2013). These are addressed as outcomes of positive influence of the environment and the society with respect to public relations. From SHRM Model, the leadership effectiveness is first observed inside the organization before being externally effective. Therefore, HR leaders have to model their organization internally, if good public relation is to be realized. Even though CIPD Map places this concept behavior from the HR role, applying skills in leadership replicates enhanced effectiveness. Therefore, utilizing the influence skills in HR leadership leads to global effectiveness, as well as cultural effectiveness.

The next comparison from the two approaches relate to the leading, directing and planning of the activities and progress of an organization. This is the primary definition of leadership in HR, to lead and direct, thus HR leaders avoid centralism and internalization behaviors (Lussier & Hendon 2013). CIPD Map presents such leadership behaviors as being determined to deliver, in avoiding centralism. SHRM Model on the other hand presents navigation in leadership behavior as being goal focused, thus supporting determination to deliver.

Quality communication is an essential behavior in leadership characters (Garey 2011). SHRM Model views communication as the key to organizational competency, while CIPD Map characterized this leadership behavior as curious way of acquiring and sending information. This behavior presents the essence of searching to acquire the information needed even when it is unavailable. HR leaders are therefore determined to look for essential communication and implement it where possible within the organization. Consultation would therefore be effected through quality communication, thus presenting another HR leadership behavior (Armstrong & Taylor 2014). CIPD Map positions consultation as the courage expressed while challenging a concept or idea. Prior to SHRM Model, consultation enables a leader to build relationships, hence getting the best from the challenges.

Relationship management is another behavior expressed in SHRM Model as leadership ability to instill togetherness in organization performance. This brings about team work in performance, which is a character every HR leader strives to attain and maintain. In CIPD Map, the relationship character is observed as a collaborative behavior implying team work development as supported in SHRM Model. Therefore, Leadership competency in teamwork building is developed through collaborative measures for excellent performance.

In relation to maintaining all the behavioral characters discussed above, being a role model as a leadership characterizes strategies in development of organizational behavior. HR leader should practice being a role model to employees and staff, a character which grows in them for development of ethical practices in an organization (McCarter & Schreyer 2000). SHRM Model refers such unity in behaviors as development of ethical practices. In CIPD Map, such leadership behavior is addressed similarly as a role model behavior, which leads to development and maintenance of ethical practices.

In general, all the above HR competencies happen to be related to the actual HR roles in an organization (Garey 2011). For instance, the characters of leadership, motivation and even personal credibility are involved in upholding HR leadership. Therefore, leadership characters would avoid internalization and centralism as noted in the two approaches, SHRM competency model and CIPD professional Map. Also, HR leader should present role model characters for creation and maintenance of relationships, which would translate to team work and ethical practices in an organization (Becker & Huselid 2001). Additionally, quality communication would enhance flow of activities, while ensuring efficient and effective problem solving within an organization.

Notably, all the eight behaviors in HR leadership are addressed in SHRM competency model at similar interpretations noted in CIPD professional Map. Since the HR competencies addressed are related to HR roles, their application would lead to professional HR performance. Moreover, the two models address HR leadership behavior at the four basic stages of HR leadership which are, entry stage, mid stage, senior stage, and the final stage. Therefore, HR leadership can be guided by the two models with respect to leadership roles applicable, irrespective of leadership level or stage (Armstrong & Taylor 2014).


Armstrong, M & Taylor, S 2014, Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (13th ed.), London: Kogan Page

Becker, B & Huselid, M 2001, The HR scorecard: Linking people, strategy, and performance, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) website

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (n.d.) CIPD profession map, Available from:

Garey, R 2011, Business literacy survival guide for HR professionals, Alexandria, Va.: Society for Human Resource Management

Lussier, R & Hendon, J 2013, Human resource management: Functions, applications, skill development, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

McCarter, J & Schreyer, R 2000, Recruit and retain the best: Key solutions for the HR professional, Manassas Park, Va.: Impact.

Society for Human Resource Management (n.d.) SHRM HR competency model, Available from:

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM HR) website

Ulrich, D 2013, Global HR competencies: Mastering competitive value from the outside in, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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