People management Term Paper Assignment

People management
People management

People management

Order Instructions:

Dear Admin,

I need an essay in the following subject:

1)Discuss ways in which your experiences and differing perspectives can help you understand what you have read, and in turn, how your readings can help you expand your thinking about HR roles and responsibilities within an organization.

2)Exploring similarities and differences in your perspectives on the role of an HR leader within an organisation.

3)Sharing alternative perspectives on the notion of the HR leader as a strategic business partner and ‘strategy architect’, using examples from organisations you know well when appropriate.

4)Proposing ways in which traditional aspects of the HR function, such as recruitment, selection, succession planning, performance management, reward management, talent development, and discipline, might be impacted by a shift toward a more strategic role.

5)Asking insightful questions about the experiences of your colleagues and about their interpretations of ideas from the Learning Resources.

6)Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas

The following conditions must meet in the essay:

1) I want a typical and a quality answer which should have about 850 words.

2) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

3) The answer must include examples from experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real companies.

4) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

5) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

6) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards


People management is an integral role within any organization or business entity. The process, undertaken by the human resource department is responsible for the day-to-day running of the business. Owing to the crucial role played by the human resource department, the section has a greater impact in modern day business running processes, as contrasted with the traditional position (SHRM 2008, p. 4). Traditionally, the department performed the basic roles of staffing within the organization, where its major roles involved, sourcing, conducting interviews, recruiting, and orientation.

In the recent days, there has been a raging debate on the role of the human resource department in an organization. Some pundits have been insistent on the traditional roles of staffing the organization. On the other hand, some quarters are of the view that the roles of the human resource personnel be revised to be in tandem with the modern day business world. Hard times and the global economic meltdown have led to the collapse of some businesses. Coupled with stiff competition, it has become increasingly hard for businesses to meet their profitability margins. In a move that saw many firms right size and retrench their personnel, the human resource department remained critical in the entire process. As a result, strategic planning and policy implementation became the role of the human resource department.

In the modern times, the human resource department is responsible for strategic management with an organization. Aside from providing the organization with labor, the human resource department is critical to the success of the organization. Business strategists have discovered that the key process in achieving success lies not in the dissemination of ideas, rather, in their implementation (Dave Wayne & Dani, 2009, p. 25). Once the managers and other top personnel lay policies for company growth, their role remains mere overseeing. The bulk of the work in getting the employees to actualize the policies on paper is the role of the human resource department. This important role played by the department in achieving corporate success has made business strategists to rethink the roles of the human resource department (Dave, Wayne & Dani 2009, p. 24). The human resource department no longer takes a secondary position but is involved directly in the management of the organization or business entity.

Strategic decision-making involves using available data to predict future trends or works towards premeditated goals. A high impact human resource department plans effectively, the execution and implementation of an organization’s business ideas (Stacey 2011, p. 3). The human resource department has to observe the prevailing trends in the business word and orient its operations effectively. In fact, the department has overtaken some functions previously executed by the marketing department. Market search and customer feedback analysis are no longer the reserve of the marketing department. The modern human resource personnel even conduct monitoring and evaluation. In the former days, there was a distinct department that did monitoring and evaluation. However, the department‘s roles integrated with those of the human resource department.

The evolving roles of the human resource department have a huge impact on the traditional roles of recruiting, selection, succession planning, performance management, reward management, talent management, and discipline (SHRM 2008, p. 6). Businesses no longer look for persons who can fit the prescribed profile but whose knowledge and expertise will influence the business positively. This new development requires a high impact human resource department to handle (Stacey 2011, p. 5). It will be easier to attain the premeditated goals as the same department is involved in outsourcing and recruiting. The human resource department will be more dynamic and robust, leading to better performance of the business entity.

A number of companies have adopted the new strategy in human resource management to their advantage. By tapping into the strategic roles, the businesses are able to overcome market barriers and position themselves competitively in the market (Stacey 2011, p.8). Most technological and marketing companies utilize this role to evaluate the impact of their products on the market. As a result, the businesses are able to get valuable feedback that enables them to improve on their products or adopt better approaches to customer service. For instance, Facebook Incorporated, social media company uses strategic management to explore new markets and test new products. For instance, the acquisition of Whatsapp, a social utility application, was borne out of a strategic management decision arrived at by the human resource department. In the meeting, the company resolved that because of the increasing communication virility amongst the youths and middle aged, the company should look for a medium that allows the process ‘on the go’. The purchase of the application has brought the company much profit. Other companies include the technological giant Apple Incorporated. Apple Incorporated uses strategic management to tap into new markets and expand its outreach.

Overly, the evolving concepts on human resource management have introduced dynamism into organizations. As contrasted with the traditional docile roles, the modern functions are crucial to the existence of the businesses (SHRM 2008, p.3). it is about time these roles were more diversified.

List of References

Dave, U., Wayne B. & Dani J 2009, The Role of Strategy Architect in the Strategic HR Organization. People & Strategy. Vol. 32, Issue 1.

Stacey, H 2011. The Top Best Practices for the High-Impact HR Organization. Bersin & Associates. Available at:

Survey for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 2008, HR’s Evolving Role in Organizations and its Impact on Business Strategy. SHRM Research.

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