Human Resource Management Functions

Human Resource Management Functions Students will identify the core Human Resource Management functions, such as Recruiting/Staffing, Learning/Development, Compensation/Benefits, Employee/Labor Relations, etc.

Human Resource Management Functions
Human Resource Management Functions

(There may be some variations on the titles, as seen in the previous sentence, but the core functions should be fairly consistent across your learning materials in HRM.)

Brief Summary of Human Resource Management Functions

For each of these functions, you will write:
A brief summary of the function and what service it provides to the organization
How this function aligns with the strategic objectives of the organization
Examples of how HR can measure effectiveness in each function (i.e. metrics)
Key legal, regulatory, and ethical issues that are relevant for each function
While there is no specific minimum page length for this portion of the assignment, a comprehensive paper will include at least one paragraph for each of the bullets above, so it is likely that you’ll need at least one full page for each major function that you identify.
Part II: Employee Lifecycle
A critical view of Human Resource Management is that of the employee lifecycle, a way of mapping the interactions that employees will have with the organization over the course of their employment. Again, while the specific language and stages may vary depending on one’s preferred model, in general organizations will address the same core interactions with workers throughout their employment.
In order to demonstrate familiarity with these critical HRM concepts, your task will be to create a hypothetical job for a fictional organization, and describe these aspects:

Job Description and Human Resource Management Functions

A job description identifying the position, the contribution the position makes to the organization, the key responsibilities of the role, and the minimum and preferred qualifications for the position
A salary range for the position, including minimum and maximum base compensation, the target midpoint or average salary, and the incentive or bonus compensation potential (with a brief summary of how incentive pay will be determined)
Performance management criteria, to include the specific measurements that employees will be evaluated against (goals and objectives, how they will be measured, etc.) and what constitutes each rating (similar to our Rubric in class!)
Criteria and decision processes for advancement, either financially through a merit increase in pay, or positionally with more responsibility, higher titles, or promotion to a new job
Student Learning Outcomes
Through this critical assignment, students will be able to:
Describe the key functions of Human Resource Management (HRM 1.1, SLO 1.2)
Evaluate the contribution of each HRM function to organizational strategy (HRM 1.1, SLO 3.3)
Develop a job description that addresses the required tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications (HRM 1.2, SLO 2.2)
Construct a compensation plan for a job, which addresses the base salary range, bonus or incentive potential, and approach for calculating pay (HRM 1.2, SLO 3.1)
Generate criteria for performance management of a job, including goals and objectives, measurements, and rating criteria (HRM 1.1, HRM 1.2, SLO 2.3)
Develop criteria and decision processes for employee advancement, through financial rewards and/or enhancements to position or title (HRM 1.2, SLO 3.1)
Apply knowledge of legal and ethical requirements in the context of HRM functions and employee lifecycle stages (HRM 1.3, SLO 1.1)
Use professional business writing skills to write in APA 6.0 style, with citations and References where applicable (SLO 4.1)

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