Humanist and Magnum Style Photography Humanist or classic Magnum-style photo-documentary is dead?. What do you think of this quote? Is this type of photography dead? Discuss the demise of humanist documentary with reference to the photography of Sebastiao Salgado, Trent Parke and Martin Parr.
You will need to link your understanding of humanist and posthumanist philosophic approaches to documentary photography practices of the above practitioners.
Humanist and Magnum Style Photography Questions
The essay questions asks that students show their familiarity with relevant aspects of photographic history; the key themes discussed in the lectures, screenings, workshops and associated readings. You will need to choose pertinent material; develop this in depth rather than covering a lot of material in a superficial manner.
The final essay must reflect on aspects of the lectures; readings; use research to develop them in relation to your argument.
The important thing here is that you do more than simply reproduce the theory – you put it to use – you reflect on it – you contextualise it according to your own informed judgement about photography. Humanist and Magnum Style Photography
Humanist and Magnum Style Photography Quotes and References
Quotes; references should be used in support of your argument. Humanist and Magnum Style Photography
Essays will be assessed on the following criteria (weighted equally)
1. The breadth, depth; relevance of your research.
2. The clarity; interest of your argument (includes
written English expression)
3. Demonstration of your engagement with;
understanding of key themes; concepts raised
in unit materials i.e. lectures; readings.
4. Linking theory; practice (by way of examples,
illustrate a point by explanation of a particular
photographic effect or body of work) Humanist and Magnum Style Photography. You will need to choose pertinent material; develop this in depth rather than covering a lot of material in a superficial manner.