Ideas and Values in Literature Informative Zinn

Ideas and Values in Literature Informative Zinn Choose any specific event discussed or person introduced in “you can’t be neutral on a moving train: A Personal History of Our Times” and write a 3 to 4 page informative researched essay which explores the details of that event or the biography of that person.

Ideas and Values in Literature Informative Zinn
Ideas and Values in Literature Informative Zinn

Please choose something you genuinely want to learn
more about and remember this is a fairly short paper; this means your topic has to be very narrow and specific ( topics such as Vietnam War or the Civil
Rights Movement is far too broad – if you are uncertain about your topic selection, plank to talk to me before doing any research or writing or writing.
Please use at least three sources ( hard copy or from the library database – no google or Wikipedia) and be sure to include works cited list at the
end.——Those are the instructions given by the professor
I need it double-spaced 12pt times new roman…also I would like for you to go the biography route basically just write a 3-page essay on the biography of
Howard Zinn, the author of the book. The book is entitled “you can’t be neutral on a moving train A personal history of our times…with a new preface – Howard Zinn……I couldn’t find a PDF file of the book but I’m not really to good at finding pdf files, I’m sure it out there somewhere but for the 3 sources try to have one of those sources from the book itself ( like a fact where he was born or where he went to school, or when he joined the service” something simple and the other 2 sources can be from an online library database from any public online library or any college/university online library database.

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