Ideologies which dominate American Political Landscape

Ideologies which dominate American Political Landscape Write at least 1.5 to 2 single-spaced pages per discussion question answer

Ideologies which dominate American Political Landscape
Ideologies which dominate American Political Landscape

Cite at least once in the body of each paragraph and at the bottom of the page using either APA or MLA guidelines Please use proper grammar and spelling Question: Two ideologies have dominated the American Political landscape for generations. Please define these two ideologies and explain which one will dominate the 2020 presidential election? turning to the Right, the dominant ideology is libertarian anti-statism. Among mainstream conservatives, there is a marked tendency to reduce politics to a zero-sum battle for liberty between the federal government and the rest of the country (individuals primarily, but also the states, the private sector, and civil society), and to trust in markets to solve nearly all problems.

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