Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership

Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership Order Instructions: Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership
Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership

I need an essay in the following subject:
One of the most important challenges for current and future business leaders involves finding the thinking space and courage to keep the long view in mind for their organisations. Leaders are increasingly in the public eye, with numerous stakeholder groups enforcing their entitlements. This challenge becomes increasingly important and difficult as business practitioners rise through the ranks of their organisations and take on more general management and strategic leadership roles.

You will continue further exploration of the ideas and issues you studied in previous weeks. You will explore challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice and analyse the advantages of effective leadership practice. You will also evaluate how leaders manage teams and how teams shape the requirements for effective leadership.

To prepare for this essay:

•Read the Required Learning Resources from the attached files.

•Reflect on the specific challenges of global leadership.

•Identify and retrieve one peer-reviewed academic journal article and one professional or trade journal articl.
These articles should be related to leadership theories and frameworks (the academic article) and leadership practices (the professional or trade journal). The articles must have been published within the last two years.

•Consider how each of your chosen articles discusses the meaning, influence and importance of leadership.

To complete this essay, , address the following issues/questions:

•Analyse the challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice with regards to your identified global challenge. In your analysis, explain the advantages effective leadership practice would bring to the meeting of that challenge. Additionally, explain how each of your chosen articles relates to your analysis.

•In formulating your essay, consider the following questions:

o Why did you choose this global challenge and these two articles?

o What specific leadership practices and behaviours might help you overcome those global challenges and create opportunities?

o How do the two leadership articles relate to the challenge you have identified and how can they help meet the challenge?

o How can leadership practice be improved in general?


1)The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,

3)Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

4)I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

5) copy percentage must be 10% or less.

Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached

Appreciate each single moment you spend in writing my paper

Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership Sample Answer


Leadership is one of the important concepts and determinant of whether an organization   succeeds or fails.  Nowadays,   there are challenges that threaten the effectiveness of current and future business leaders. The paper identifies global challenges and analyses the challenges and opportunities to improve leadership practice.  Advantages of effective leadership practices are also discussed as well as how the chosen articles relates to the analysis.

In the modern world, the world has become a global village, so organizations. Leaders nowadays have to have a broader perspective on how they view and see things.  One of the global challenges that leaders face is the constricted thinking space and lack of vision about the future of their organization (McCleskey, 2014). The other challenge is poor strategies to deal with the global challenges such as issues to do with cross culture and diversity among many others. The rationale for choosing these global challenges is that they are affecting smooth operations of the entities.  Most organizations are not able to achieve their long-term objectives because of the narrow mindedness of leaders. Leaders have to have an open mind and  be able to realize that   environment will always keep on changing.

The two articles by McCleskey (2014) and Bouchamma & Brie (2014) are important in this discussion due to the depth of insights they bring to the topic. Leadership theories contribute or explain how leaders should lead and how they can be able to overcome some of the challenges that their organizations go through. Providing leadership practice requires that these challenges are overcome (McCleskey, 2014). The leader is expected to have the skills and abilities that enable them to provide   good leadership. A transformational leader is expected to make difference in their entities by building relationships. The five leadership practices that a transformational leader should exemplify to overcome the challenges include; the leader should model the way, inspire a shared vision, and enable others to act, challenge the process and encourage the heart (Stearns, Margulus & Shinsky, 2012). The leader must have vision and share the vision with the other stakeholder to ensure that the organization move on well. It is also important for the leader to be innovative and creative to come up with new ideas to champion the objectives of the organization.

Challenges as well can be an opportunity for a leader to make a difference.  A leader should learn from their past mistakes and failures and change the same into strengths. A leader should understand that the world is changing and therefore, it is imperative to make adjustments in their leadership to counter the challenge. This requires that leaders think out of the box for them to achieve their goals. Advancement in technology and increased globalization are some of the changes that leaders must be sensitive to ensure that they provide better leadership that is sustainable and effective in the long run.

Effective leadership practice is important and especially when it comes to addressing some of these challenges. Effective leadership is hinged of various tenets of leadership. According to Taylor & Pattie (2014), a leader should uphold to ethical practices when providing leadership such as honest and integrity. The leader should have good communication skills, be able to collaborate and provide support, and have conflict management skills and change and management skills. In additional the leader should be able to understand change and be a good learner. Leaders that succeed are always learning new skills and ideas as they provide leadership.

Therefore, in general, leadership practice can be improved through continuous learning. A leader must undergo continuous development all through to be in a position to address the challenges that they come across. Situations keep on changing and leaders must be aware of this in their leadership practices. For instance, during conflicts they must know the appropriate ways to solve the same.

Importance Challenges of Current and Future Leadership Reference List

Bouchamma, Y, & Brie, J 2014, ‘ Communities of Practice and Ethical Leadership’,

            International Studies in Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council for    Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM), Vol. 42 no. 2, pp. 81-96.

McCleskey, J 2014, ‘ Situational, Transformational, and Transactional Leadership and      Leadership Development’,  Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, Vol. 5 no.  4, pp. 117-         130.

Taylor, S, & Pattie, M 2014, ‘When Does Ethical Leadership Affect Workplace Incivility? The     Moderating Role of Follower Personality’, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 24 no. 4, pp.            595-616.

Stearns, M., Margulus, L. & Shinsky, J 2012, ‘Theory into practice: a study to assess the   influence of a customized leadership development program on a cohort of aspiring urban leaders’, International Journal of Education Leadership Preparation, 7 (2), pp.1-13.    Available from:

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