Important aspects of leadership ;ENTRY 2

Important aspects of leadership
Important aspects of leadership

Important aspects of leadership

Important aspects of leadership

Order Instructions:

Dear Admin,

For this essay (entry) it is required to maintain a weekly journal, documenting important aspects of leadership they encounter over the duration of the module. Entries into the journal may include examples of leadership personally witnessed or insights gained through readings or class discussions.

1)I want 2 entries each one is around 100 words, and each entry is in separate word document.

2)Entries should be placed in a journal.

3)Entries should be based on your learning experience after reading the attached files.

4)You are free to follow your own format as long as it is logically structured.

5)Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached.


  1. Entry 2

Leaders in any institution should provide a sense of direction. They have a duty to ensure that the goals and aims set are achieved.  Leaders require training and learning while other have in born leadership traits. In the current world, it is important for leaders to undergo training as well as learn while transacting their duties. Experimental learning is one of the ways that leaders gain experience and skills to expedite their duties.  A number of theories as well do exist that leader’s exhibit while executing their leadership responsibilities (Allio, 2012).  Leaders should embrace moral principles when executing their duties.  Some of the approaches I have come across among my leaders are servant leadership, transformational and charismatic leaders.

Reference list

Allio, R. 2012, “Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?”, Strategy

& Leadership, Vol. 41 no. 1, pp. 4-14

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