Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking

Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking PART 1: Proverbs teach cultural values, influence beliefs, and behaviors.

Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking
Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking

Do some research about why proverbs (axioms, truisms, adages, maxims, words of wisdom) are such good teachers of what a culture values.

Explain that here, making sure to cite your source of information. Then, find a proverb from your own culture, maybe one your grandmother used to repeat, and share it here. Try to hone in on the specific value it is teaching.

Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking

Here’s an example: “Once burned, twice shy.” The value being taught is caution, with mindfulness/critical thinking.

Part 2: Connect a proverb from a culture in the Arab world to what you have learned from Chapters 6, 7, and 8 about cultural dimensions and value orientation. Here’s an example of what I’m expecting, although it’s not from an Arab culture:

Influence Beliefs and Behaviors Critical Thinking

From Amish culture: “Silence is golden; speech is silver.” This proverb reflects the Amish values of high context communication and collectivism. Silence is valued as better for maintaining the group harmony; if you must speak up and individuate yourself, then your words should be carefully chosen (silver). This supports the value of perceiving the self as part of a group, and one’s responsibilities are to the group first.

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