Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Innovation and Tech Major Project
Innovation and Tech Major Project

Innovation and Tech Major Project

Major Project 1 – Entrepreneurial Application
Toto, I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore! ~~Dorothy

Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Content: Our world will soon experience a flood of remarkable, life-altering technologies that currently lie just beyond the horizon! Because of their “ newness,” these types of technology are sometimes described as existing on the “bleeding edge,” not just the “leading edge.” During your BMBA621 Technology and Commerce course, continually scan periodicals, newspapers, web sites, databases, and online and traditional video and audio sources, to identify these forthcoming technologies. Over the course of the semester, post at least ten (10) separate technology ideas, specifically utilizing the format outlined below, in the Dialogue space entitled Future Tech. Be sure to choose emerging technologies that have not yet been completely developed into a product, service, or idea.

Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Second, students will complete executive briefing papers re-viewing technology ideas posted by their classmates. The executive briefing paper should consider at least five separate creative commercial uses for the forthcoming technology. In addition it should include a critical analysis of its benefits and possible hazards to prospective users and/or customers, anticipated timeline for its proposed introduction, possible differences in adoption in various areas of the world, in-depth discussion of likely financial implications for businesses, and probable effects (positive and negative) on other related technologies and the marketplace. Be sure to consider ethical dilemmas posed by the new technology, what criteria should be used to decide whether the technology should ultimately be developed, and your recommendations relative to the value of the technology. Over the course of the semester, post at least ten (10) separate executive briefing papers in the Dialogue space entitled Future Tech in response to the technology ideas of classmates, specifically utilizing the format outlined below.

Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Format: The technology idea posting should include: (1) Dialogue Subject: line that describes the technology; (2) a full article, attachment or working link to an article, photo, video, or audio file; (3) short paragraph (three or four sentences) describing the technology idea; (4) citation (Turabian style) detailing where the article, photo, video, or audio was found. The executive briefing paper posting reviewing a classmate’s technology idea posting shall be no longer than one (1) page, inclusive of text and citations. A comprehensive yet concise executive briefing paper should require at least two hours of student preparation.

Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Evaluation Method: See GLE-QEP Grading Rubric under Start Here. Each posting of a technology idea will be worth one (1) point, and each posting of an executive briefing paper response to the technical idea posted by a classmate will be worth one (1) point. The grading will be pass/fail (1 point/0 point).

Innovation and Tech Major Project Assignment

Due date: Continuous throughout the semester. Students should make every effort to post technology ideas and executive briefing papers throughout the semester. Because the review of both technology ideas and executive briefing papers is to continue throughout the semester, ten (10) points will be deducted from the project grade for students who do not “balance” their posts across the entire semester.

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