Innovations Process from Emerging to Developed Nations

Innovations Process from Emerging to Developed Nations Question A
Recent studies have shown how innovations have already made their journey from emerging nations to developed nations.

Innovations Process from Emerging to Developed Nations
Innovations Process from Emerging to Developed Nations

Using a case study or suitable examples, critically assess the impact of ‘reverse innovation’ on sustainable economic growth for both Emerging Nations
Multinational Enterprises (EMNEs) and Developed Nations Multinational Enterprises (DMNEs).
Given the rapid changes taking place in international markets for products and services, your response should address how ‘trickle-down’ innovation and
‘trickle-up’ innovation has contributed to international knowledge transfer and global economic growth.

Innovations Process from Emerging to Developed Nations General Guidelines

Your assignment should not exceed 2,500 words, excluding the reference section, figures, and tables. The assignment should contain an examination of the
academic literature, the theories, the frameworks and the models that are relevant in addressing either A or B. Academic journals should be your main source
of reference. Ad-hoc sources downloaded from the internet will not be acceptable. The above references should provide you with a good start but you are
encouraged to read widely. The references attached to each question are not mutually exclusive, they do overlap, and it will help if you also consider some
of the other references. Also, use appropriate examples in your assignment of real life business situations and set your work within an international

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