Intelligence and Creativity Wide Spectrum

Intelligence and Creativity Wide Spectrum We know that intelligence and creativity can cover a wide spectrum and is not limited to traditional views of intellect.

Intelligence and Creativity Wide Spectrum
Intelligence and Creativity Wide Spectrum

1. Begin this assignment by writing a one-page reflection on the following: “What do intelligence and creativity mean to me?” There are no right or wrong answers; this is a starting point for your research as you tap into your own prior experiences and knowledge. 2. Develop a list of outside reading pertaining to this topic. You can add these to your ongoing reading list. You should have a minimum of 6 articles and/or books. 3. Using the research, write a 2-page paper of how you see creativity and intelligence playing a role in the early childhood curriculum. 4. Go back to your original one-page reflection as you started this paper. Write up to one page on how your views have shifted, if at all, because of your research.

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