Interactive Touch Technology And Its Use In the Information Kiosks

Interactive Touch Technology And Its Use In the Information Kiosks
Interactive Touch Technology And Its Use             In the Information Kiosks

Interactive Touch Technology And Its Use In the Information Kiosks

Everybody either has one or has used one. No longer only has a thing in science fiction movies, touch technology transformed the way people interact with their handheld devices and computers. However, it is not only used on personal devices but also is now a standard interface when using public services such as ATMs and interactive ticket booths. In this article, we explain about different types of touch technology, optical, projected capacitive, and infrared, and the use of this technology in information kiosks.


There are many types of touch screen technologies; in this article, we discuss optical, projected capacitive, and infrared technology.

With optical touch you have image sensors placed around the edges of a display, and armed with infrared backlights, it can then distinguish two contact points at the same time. This allows users to use two finger interactions such as zoom and rotations. Optical touch is easy to use and provides an accurate and responsive experience typically for the user.

 Projected Capacitive touch (PCT) is what is commonly used by your smartphone and tablets, or other mobile devices. Instead of a dual point, there is a matrix of conductive materials layered within sheets of glass. The conductive grid creates an electrostatic field, and as explained in Wikipedia, “when a conductive object, e.g., a finger, comes into contact with a PCT panel, it alters the local electrostatic field at that particular point. This can be measured as a change in capacitance. The capacitance can, therefore, be changed and measured at every individual point on the grid (intersection)”.

With infrared screens, there is a ‘frame’ surrounding the display, rather than an overlay on the surface like you have with PCT. There are infrared light-emitting diodes (LED) on one side of the frame and photo-detector pairs on the other side of the frame, these surround the screen and create a grid by crossing each other. These invisible light beams can detect any changes or ‘interruptions’ to the grid when touched. This is known as “light-beam interruption technology.” With infrared screens, the sensors can detect the exact location of where you touch, whether by finger, glove, stylus or pen. Furthermore, unlike PCT screens, “infrared touch screens don’t require any patterning on the glass which enhances durability and the optical clarity of the overall system” (source Wikipedia). These types of screens make an excellent choice for retail stores and information kiosks and are perfect for businesses who want the top of the range of interactive displays and digital signage.

Information kiosks

Multi-touch kiosk displays are used in retail and commercial settings worldwide. These types of information kiosks encompass a computer terminal with specially made software. They allow the user to maneuver their way around given information using touch technology while blocking them from cracking the computer system. Modern information kiosks include Wi-Fi connection potential and 3G connectivity. They are also built with a protective face panel using Perspex or toughened glass.

The best commercial displays available are “compact” interspersed touch screen kiosks. All-in-one integration is that the hardware (computers and content management systems) are combined into the display itself. To accomplish this, the kiosk is purpose made with a built-in industrial high specification computer. This means there are no external devices that are needed such as cables, an external computer or any third party clip on the component. These compact screens contain various configurations and operating systems, e.g. Windows, Android, MAC or Linux. They can also be built into any size display required, on or in any style case housing or pedestal.

As can be seen, thanks to advances in technology information kiosks have been revolutionized. Retailers can now connect with their customers in a fun and informative way, and businesses and governments can contribute a free public service through the use of technology. By using compactly integrated screens, you too can alter the way you interact with the world.

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