Interpreting Data Outputs Research Paper

Interpreting Data Outputs
Interpreting Data Outputs

Interpreting Data Outputs

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Application: Interpreting Data Outputs
Qualitative data analysis (QDA) is the range of processes and procedures whereby raw data are converted into some form of explanation, understanding, or interpretation of the people and situations being investigated. QDA is usually based on an interpretative philosophy to give meaning to collected data. As with all data, analysis and interpretation are required to bring order and understanding to it. After all, a set of numbers or lists of observations are useless without an explanation of why they are important. This requires creativity, discipline, and a systematic approach—there is no single or best way. The best process for a given research situation will depend on the questions that need to be answered and the needs of those who will use the information.

For this Application Assignment, you interpret the outputs of qualitative analyses by examining which variables are significant and what you can conclude from the outputs. Use the qualitative results in the article, “Why Rape Survivors Participate in the Criminal Justice System” for this assignment.
The assignment (2–3 pages):
• Explain your interpretation of the qualitative results in the article, “Why Rape Survivors Participate in the Criminal Justice System,” including which variables are most significant and the conclusions you can draw about the significant variables you identified.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course


Interpreting Data Outputs

The results for this research are divided into two categories:  those factors that influence reporting and those that are influential in the continuing of the investigational process. Respondents under these two categories had different reasons as portrayed in their responses. To be able to identify the most significant variables in this data collected and then be able to draw valid conclusions, it is important to first to look into and explain the qualitative results as displayed in the research findings.

Factors Influencing Reporting

There are three primary factors identified by the respondents as the reasons why the rape victims report the rape cases. These included to prevent additional rapes by the offender and to send a warning to the other people who were thinking of committing a similar crime. Others reported because they were encouraged by others to report the case to the police. The last group of people were those who said that they were never actually given a chance to report as the reports were given to the police by other people without their consent (Bachman & Schutt, 2013). The victims whose main reason for reporting was to bar the offenders from doing the same atrocity to themselves or to other women formed the majority, which was almost half of the total responses received. Those who were encouraged by their colleagues to report formed the second largest group as they were slightly past the quarter mark of the total responses, and the rest are those whose reports reached the police without their knowledge.

Influential Factors in Continuing With the Investigational Process

This part also attracted divergent views from the participants. The researcher wanted to know what made the respondents to participate in the process of investigation into the rape cases even as others shied away from the process. Just like in the first category, majority of the respondents here said they did it purposely to protect others from the suffering they went through after the rape. The second group of participants in this category noted that their reason for continued participation in the investigational process was that they had gained confidence on the strength of their case especially after they had interacted with such stakeholders like the police and the forensic nurse examiner. The continued participation of another group was inspired by the treatment they received from the system personnel. The last group in this category noted that they continuously participated because they had no other choice. All these reasons by the different groups should be taken into consideration and not be actually considered as mutually exclusive (Starzynski, Ullman, Filipas & Townsend, 2005).


Rape victims could either report the rape cases or not. Those who report are always inspired to do so by certain factors. Some were also coaxed by others to do so. There are even others who are reluctant up to that point when others take it upon their responsibility to report their predicament. There are also those victims who could choose to continue participating in the investigational process after the report and others who chose to terminate the case by refusing to participate. As has been seen above, those who chose to pursue the case to the end had different reasons to do. The results would thus be useful in drawing conclusions and recommendations on the topic under research.


Bachman, R. & Schutt, R. K. (2013). The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (5th ed.). New York: Sage Publications.

Starzynski, L.L., Ullman, S.E., Filipas, H.H.  & Townsend, S.M. (2005). Correlates of women’s sexual assault disclosure to informal and formal support sources. Violence and Victims, 20, 417–432.

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