Westward Expansion (Questions and Answers)

Westward Expansion
Westward Expansion

Westward Expansion

Order Instructions:

1)  “Westward Expansion”
a)     Turner argued that the great frontier is responsible for generating American ideals such as individualism, political democracy, and what?
b)    Most frontier people did go out as individuals but rather as what?
c)     Many states almost went bankrupt financing what?
d)    What arose around South Dakota among Native Americans?
e)     About when did all Indian wars end Natives defeated?
f)     The Dawes Act of 1887 did what?
g)    How many acres of land did the Native Americans ultimately lose as a result?
h)    What happened to Native children in boarding schools?
i)      Why did cowboys drive herds of cattle to specific places like Abiline and Dodge City?
j)      Farming families were growing crops like WHAT to compete internationally in markets?

How do you see the New South having evolved to its potential (or to less than its potential) in its heartland, Atlanta/GA?

2)  “Growth, Cities, Immigration“:

a)     Why did so many people move to places like Nebraska to farm profitably?
b)    By the 1890s what was the second largest city in the US (after New York)?
c)     When the Irish immigrated in large masses, immigrants from what other European nation also came in large numbers?  (hint, beer)
d)    The next wave of immigrants, however, during the turn of the century, came from what parts of Europe?
e)     What religions did these new immigrants tend to embrace?
f)     In several cases, the Supreme Court had to order San Francisco to do what?
g)    How many days did it take to arrive in the US from Europe via new passenger ships?
h)    Why did cities like New York pass laws requiring minimum light and ventilation in buildings and neighborhoods?
i)      In Gilded Age cities, the rich and poor lived…how?  (vis-à-vis each other)

3)  “Gilded Age Politics“:

a)      Mark Twain coined what term/phrase that labeled this era?
b)     What was Tammany Hall?
c)      How many dollars did Tammany Hall get for every dollar a contractor received?
d)      What did Tammany Hall politicians expect in return for helping people?
e)      Under Grant, the Credit Mobilier scandal involved what crimes/breaches of ethics?
f)      In the West, farmers became politically active over what issue?
g)     Why did farmers establish The Grange Movement in the 1870s?
h)     All the farming movements eventually merged into what political party?
i)      What were THREE things this party wanted?  (Hint: among everything on the animated chalk board)
j)      So Populist were some western states that they even let who vote??
k)     What issue would lead to the demise of this party because of fears of inflation?
l)      William Jennings Bryan once gave a famous speech saying the US was “crucified on a cross of…” what?
m)    Who gave McKinley an unprecedented amount of money to campaign?


Westward Expansion (questions and answers)

1)  “Westward Expansion”
a)     Turner argued that the great frontier is responsible for generating American ideals such as individualism, political democracy, and what?  Economic mobility
b)    Most frontier people did go out as individuals but rather as what? They went as part of the immigrant groups.
c)     Many states almost went bankrupt financing what?  Railway construction
d)    What arose around South Dakota among Native Americans?  Ghost dance movement
e)     About when did all Indian wars end Natives defeated?  1890.
f)     The Dawes Act of 1887 did what?  Helps in reverting Indians land back to individual families as opposed to tribes
g)    How many acres of land did the Native Americans ultimately lose as a result? 86million acres
h)    What happened to Native children in boarding schools? Indians were forcefully removed from families to boarding schools to be taught English
i)      Why did cowboys drive herds of cattle to specific places like Abiline and Dodge City? Because of the presence of railroad and availability of meat processing plant
j)      Farming families were growing crops like WHAT to compete internationally in markets?
Wheat and corn
*How do you see the New South having evolved to its potential (or to less than its potential) in its heartland, Atlanta/GA?

New South expanded and evolved achieving success in different spheres. The region has come to embrace cohesion as whites and blacks coexist. This has helped to achieve equality as all the citizens regardless of their color have equal rights such as rights to elect their preferred candidates as well as access to different job openings on a competitive level. The economy of the region has also improved to greater levels because of participation of all the citizens regardless of their races (Henretta, Edwards & Self, 2011).  Farming has expanded into commercialization. Industrialization expanded the number of land. Irrigation and agrochemical was embraced in farming.  Large corporations have taken charge in farming contributing to expansion of the markets.  Trade expansion caters for the expanding international markets.

2)  “Growth, Cities, Immigration”:  

a)     Why did so many people move to places like Nebraska to farm profitably? To take advantage of the thriving agriculture-golden age. Demand of agricultural products increased because of increase in number of cities.
b)    By the 1890s what was the second largest city in the US (after New York)? Chicago
c)     When the Irish immigrated in large masses, immigrants from what other European nation also came in large numbers?  (hint, beer) Germany
d)    The next wave of immigrants, however, during the turn of the century, came from what parts of Europe? Italy, Russia. Austria-Hungary
e)     What religions did these new immigrants tend to embrace? Jews and Christians
f)     In several cases, the Supreme Court had to order San Francisco to do what? Grant Chinese operant licenses to operate, American born Chinese of Americans were entitled to American citizenship
g)    How many days did it take to arrive in the US from Europe via new passenger ships?  8-12 days
h)    Why did cities like New York pass laws requiring minimum light and ventilation in buildings and neighborhoods?  Conditions in the city were very bad. The cities had many pick-pocketers
i)      In Gilded Age cities, the rich and poor lived…how?  (vis-à-vis each other)
Hard to make ends meet lives. The rich and poor were in close proximity. The gap between rich and poor was visible between these two groups of people.

3)  “Gilded Age Politics”:
 a)      Mark Twain coined what term/phrase that labeled this era? Gilded age, ‘the tell of today”
b)     What was Tammany Hall?  Political machine house mandated with the duties of helping democratic politicians ascend to power. It was known for perpetrating corruption
c)      How many dollars did Tammany Hall get for every dollar a contractor received?  2 dollars
d)      What did Tammany Hall politicians expect in return for helping people? Expected votes to make them stay in power to take charge of contracts.
e)      Under Grant, the Credit Mobilier scandal involved what crimes/breaches of ethics? Overcharging the public for construction cost, siphoning of profits from Credit Mobilier, bribery of congress men, more partisan as speakers and republican were implicated, whisky ring scandal, tax evasion by reducing the number of bottles.
f)      In the West, farmers became politically active over what issue?  Freight/rail rates
g)     Why did farmers establish The Grange Movement in the 1870s?   To establish fair railway rates  and warehouse charges
h)     All the farming movements eventually merged into what political party? People party
i)      What were THREE things this party wanted?  (Hint: among everything on the animated chalk board)

Government ownership of railway, graduated income tax, recognition of rights of laborer to form unions, government control of currency and free coinage of silver to produce more money
j)      So Populist were some western states that they even let who vote?? Women
k)     What issue would lead to the demise of this party because of fears of inflation? Inflation of silver.
l)   William Jennings Bryan once gave a famous speech saying the US was “crucified on a cross of…” what? Gold
m)    Who gave McKinley an unprecedented amount of money to campaign? Business class


Henretta, J., Edwards, R., & Self, R. (2011). America’s History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Paperback, US; Bedford/St. Martin’s Publisher.

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