Introduction to the Evolution of Management Topic Paper
Each student will complete a five page (double-spaced) management topic paper which is due by 3/8. Explore the topic “the evolution of management” in more depth.
The requirements are as follows:
- A cover page: The cover page will include the course name, course number, your name, and the title of your paper, and the date
- Headings – please include headings in your paper to make it flow. Headings represent a change between the information you are discussing. For example, you might have a heading called Introduction. Then your next heading could be what you are going to discuss next, etc.
- An introduction as to why you chose this topic.
- You are required to include at least 3 outside resources. Resources must be a credible academic resource. For example, Wikipedia is not a credible/academic resource. You can utilize Alfred’s library to find these sources.
- Your research on this topic should result in three key learnings which you will discuss as a conclusion. In other words, based on your introduction on why you chose this topic, what did you learn?
- You are required to use the APA citation format (in-text citations and references list).