Introduction to the Evolution of Management

Introduction to the Evolution of Management Topic Paper

Introduction to the Evolution of Management
Introduction to the Evolution of Management

Each student will complete a five page (double-spaced) management topic paper which is due by 3/8. Explore the topic “the evolution of management” in more depth.

The requirements are as follows:

  1. A cover page: The cover page will include the course name, course number, your name, and the title of your paper, and the date
  2. Headings – please include headings in your paper to make it flow. Headings represent a change between the information you are discussing. For example, you might have a heading called Introduction. Then your next heading could be what you are going to discuss next, etc.
  3. An introduction as to why you chose this topic.
  4. You are required to include at least 3 outside resources. Resources must be a credible academic resource. For example, Wikipedia is not a credible/academic resource. You can utilize Alfred’s library to find these sources.
  5. Your research on this topic should result in three key learnings which you will discuss as a conclusion. In other words, based on your introduction on why you chose this topic, what did you learn?
  6. You are required to use the APA citation format (in-text citations and references list).

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